
作者:Staff Ma Mu Qiao  同工 馬木樵





九年前到了退休年齡,近三十年在「遠東」的服事蒙主祝福,甚得其樂,同工間更能彼此相愛、相助倍感溫馨,誠所謂「事主越久越甘甜」 。嘗過肥甘,何能輕言捨下,於是來個退而不休,每週勻出二天仍繼續堅守崗位迄今,多做主工,為要得主喜悅。阿們!


In the summer of 1955 at a Taipei special retreat, I very clearly and strongly dedicated myself to the Lord.  I was just a junior high school student then, but God has remembered the dedication.  As for when and how I would get into full-time service, it was really only by the grace of God.

Thanksgiving of 1990 was the time for our region’s candidates to be sworn in as citizens of the United States. It was also a turning point in my long-time private plan to serve the Lord with the rest of my life. You see, I was born in 1940, my wife in 1950, and my son in 1980. What a coincidence that all the big events in my life happened in the years ending with zero, and so in 1990 I sought to “fulfill my vow” (see Psalm 50:14) by serving the Lord whole-heartedly.  But to my surprise, the citizen’s oath ceremony was postponed to the following February, and so I broke my own personal zero tradition.

In a remote town in southeastern United States — where not even a bird liked to lay her young – it seemed unlikely that an evangelical organization would come and deliver mission visions here; however, the founder and director of the Far East Broadcasting Company-Chinese Ministries (CM) in Los Angeles, Rev. John B. Lin and his wife, Florence, travelled laboriously to this small town, which had a handful of Chinese people. They did not even have a chance to finish their meal before hurriedly rushing to the annex of the small church, quickly putting up various display boards, setting up a projector, and introducing us to the detailed work as well as the vision of Far East Broadcasting Company and the Chinese Ministries. While many brothers and sisters were greatly moved and enthusiastic about the wonderful personal testimonies and the meaning and effectiveness of broadcasting the Gospel, I was in deep thought. The whole session seemed to speak to me personally: wasn’t this the opportunity I had been seeking to serve the Lord?

I was born in northeast China, and this was the providential opportunity for me to repay my compatriots and kindred with the Gospel! Unfortunately, I had no such thing as Paul’s “Roman Citizen” status, and it was inconvenient to access the country without being a U.S. citizen. Delayed for more than a year, I contacted Rev. Lin as soon as I received my citizenship. Thank the Lord that I was accepted by CM as a co-worker, and was able to fulfill my dreams of sharing “Christ to the world by radio!” More thanks to the Lord for His mercy in guarding my mission. During my service at CM, multiple types of programs were produced and broadcast to the mainland; the effectiveness of the Gospel was profound.

Nine years ago, I reached the age of retirement.  I have been greatly blessed by the Lord to serve FEBC-CM for nearly 30 years and have happily enjoyed the warmth of love and assistance in Christ among its co-workers. As the hymn goes, “The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows.” Since I tasted this sweetness, to abruptly withdraw from the mission is not my desire. With God’s grace, now I serve two days a week at CM, continue to adhere to the vision, and work hard in the Lord for His joy and contentment. Amen!